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Monday, 16 January 2017

Polaris (the North Star), through astronomical telescope.

Polaris is a star that does not bear this name by accident. It is the brightest star located above the north pole of our planet. For this reason, when observed from Earth, it is in the same place in the sky (whether day or night).This is the brightest star in the constellation Ursa Minoris (Ursa Minor) and is 4,5x larger than our sun. As an interesting point about Polaris, it is part of a triple star system, Polaris A, B and AB (a dwarf star). Between A (the North Star) and AB is the distance from the Sun as Uranus. Astronomical instrument: Skywatcher Newtonian telescope 10 inches (Val-Cosmin Sandu)Mount C6 / EQ6 motorized GoToCamera:...

Monday, 19 September 2016

September 2016 Lunar Eclipse Pictures.

Yesterday in the evening sky took place an eclipse of the Moon in the penumbra of the Earth under a pretty good observation condition, considering the fact that before the start of the eclipse were many clouds that made me pessimistic trying to see the event, but the skies cleared immediately after the moon rose above the horizon by 9 °.The effects of the eclipse are visible on the north-west of the moon.I did not have access to my 8-inch telescope, but I had CX 130 Sony video camera and tripod to me to immortalize the event.Below are video captures images of the eclipse.The beginning of the eclipse: September 16, 19:54:42Maximum eclipse: September...

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

Schickard through a telescope November 8, 2011.

In these stabilized video images with Sony Vegas 10, we see many craters on the moon's south-west. Most evidenced by its size is Schickard (227 km), followed by Schiller crater (180 km), Phocylides and Nasmith (114/77 km) and Wargentin. By the end of the clip is filmed Hainzel (70 km) also. These craters can not be detected visually with the naked eye but through an astronomical telescope, or even with binoculars if it comes to Schickard which is quite large, but binoculars will be mounted on a tripod so that the image is fixed. Magnitude: -12.11Phase: 0.96Distance: 401.329 kmIlluminated: 96.2% (0% = New, 100% = Full) Astronomical instrument:...

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