Monday, 25 July 2011
What are the Moon craters-Lunar crater characteristics
If you look at the Moon through binoculars,you'll see a lot of craters. In fact, it is hard to find a place with no craters on the Moon.
The result of geological processes that affected the Moon's surface, are the impact craters that have occurred when asteroids and comets have collided with its surface. It is estimated about 300 000 craters larger than 1 km only on the visible part of the Moon seen from Earth. Most of them are named after scientists, artists and explorers. Some craters located near the poles are permanently in dark and cold.
Craters formed when meteorites, small pieces of rock and metal, roam the Solar System,and fall on the surface of a planet.The resulting impact is called crater.
The bottom of a crater is called crater floor, while the sides are called walls. The top of the wall is called crater rim. When a meteorite hits a planet, the debris is usually ejected outside. These are called debris caused by the impact.
Because the remains are ejected into stripes, rays are seen surrounding a crater.
Because of the huge energy during the impact, the rocks from that place can liquefy . This cause that in many large craters to appear small surface elevations in the center of the crater called
central peaks.
Craters of the Moon vary in size from 200 km in diameter to the size of an orange fruit. Since there is no weather the Moon, the only way to erode an existing crater is to be covered by another impact or debris from other impacts.
Young craters have sharp edges and are relatively deep. The oldest, are usually shallow and have less distinct edges.
When a crater on the Moon forms, the energy of the impact can break the meteor into pieces, even vaporize the meteorite. Therefore, crater size is not determined by size of the meteorite,but by the impact energy.
I divided the craters on the Moon by area:
North craters
South craters
East craters
West craters
Center craters
In this categories you will find the description of that area, and a list of craters.
About me
Astronomical Phylosophy
Astronomy Labels
Astronomy terms
Craters-Reinhold and Lansberg
DSLR Hyperion pictures
DSLR astronomy pictures
DSLR telescope pictures
Rima Ariadaeus
Rupes Altai
The colours of the Moon
Things about the Moon
Weird sightings
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