Google Moon is a site from Google that incorporates a collection of photographs taken over the Moon from various NASA missions, such as Clementine mission.I wonder if we will see on Google Moon photographs taken by Japan's JAXA, which scanned the Moon with a HD camera with a very high resolution. Equipment sent was named Kaguya (Selene) and transmitted images at a clarity that I do not think NASA was able to achieve.
However, Google Moon is a pretty interesting site because has marked places where astronauts have landed in Apollo missions, but also because it shows a shaded relief map in airbrushing.
In Google Earth wich is a free to download application , besides Mars, there is the Moon option wich seems more interesting than Google Moon .It has a 3D view with the impression that you are in a plane above the Moon as in the picture below.
Saturday, 16 July 2011
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Craters-Reinhold and Lansberg
DSLR Hyperion pictures
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Rima Ariadaeus
Rupes Altai
The colours of the Moon
Things about the Moon
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