Photographer: Victor Lupu
Optics: Celestron C8-Newtonian telescope, plossl 20mm, 2x Barlow
Mount: CG5 (EQ5)
Device: Sony CX105 to 7x optical zoom
Total Magnification: 700x
Filter: no
Date: 12/05/2011
Location: Baia Mare, Romania
Processing: video captures, FastStone Image Viewer
On the south pole of the Moon, are numerous important craters, which certainly are favorites for many amateur astronomers, like Tycho and Clavius. The smaller craters along the major craters have not been presented. Below is an old photo, posted to direct you where to find the craters. The picture below is turned upside down, as if you look through a telescope, so the cardinal points are upside down.
Pictet crater of 62 km, located east of the crater Tycho, is covered by tycho's rays and is older.
Brown crater of 34 km, is located southwest of Tycho, has an undefined shape and the northern edge is polygonal in shape.
Street crater is 58 km, and 1.5 km in depth. It is located in the south of Tycho crater and is called by the English astronomer Thomas Streete from the 17th century. Street has many crater satellites, of which I point out the biggest, Street M, which is 49 km in diameter.
Friday, 4 November 2011
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