It is a good question.I'm editing my pictures with FastStone software.I will give you an example of how to edit a Moon picture to look better than originally was.
These images were processed in the program FastStone is a free photo editing program and can be found for download on File Hippo.
I use this simple program from the beginning and I have not switched to another because it helped me with all I need. After all everything you need in editing a picture is to make it look more beautiful and clear. There are more advanced editing programs, more complicated, but for quick editing and good results I will give details about how to use this program effectively .
The first picture above is the original capture.It is a Moon video capture.Video was made with HD Sony CX 105 camera, mounted at the telescope.Captures were made with Splash Player Pro, which captures in BMP (BMP-bitmap File format) .In this format images are saved in the best quality.This original picture is good, but it can be improved in some contrasts, levels, etc.
In the second picture above, first I went to sharpness, which sharpens the edges of picture elements, making them clearer.The level of sharpness can be adjusted to each desire. Many adjustments should be used modestly, without being overloaded by some without purpose.
The third photo above has stronger colors, as long as allow the image,not in excess, that is to be not increase to extreme levels of color.
The fourth picture I played with contrasting levels of "Adjust Curves".
The fifth is the final picture in wich I decreased gamma in "Adjust Colors" option there are several settings such as brightness, contrast, color.
In this photo I applied "negative." I really like this option though not all pictures are good for it . But this is successful.
The effect of "sketch", can also be adjusted to make the picture as you want in intensity.This effect is as a drawing in pencil.
Also in FastStone has the effect "bump map" which I like very much, because the picture gives the impression that the forms came out in relief. More artistic Moon images in FastStone you can see here on Moon Art.
Other important effects that we've not exemplified are cropping where you can cut a picture.If a picture is cropped , it becomes smaller in size automatically, but if I change the resolution after cropping,it becomes larger, and it is ok.
Photographer: Victor Lupu
Optics: Celestron C8-Newtonian telescope, plossl 20mm, 2x Barlow
Mount: CG5 (EQ5)
Device: Sony CX105
Filter: No
Date: 12/05/2011
Location: Baia Mare, Romania
Processing: video capture, FastStone Image Viewer
Wednesday, 10 August 2011
About me
Astronomical Phylosophy
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Craters-Reinhold and Lansberg
DSLR Hyperion pictures
DSLR astronomy pictures
DSLR telescope pictures
Rima Ariadaeus
Rupes Altai
The colours of the Moon
Things about the Moon
Weird sightings
Good to know!Thank you!
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