Monday, 21 April 2014
View of Aristarchus through telescope.
Aristarchus (40 km), is one of the isolated craters on Oceanus Procellarum. It is a crater that if it was located elsewhere on the Moon was less taken into account, easily overlooked because its size is not very large.
Even in this area through binoculars it would be difficult to see it in this phase of the Moon. But when the Moon is full, Aristarchus can be easily distinguished because of its strange colour albedo on its floor and walls.
Distance: 387.568 km
Phase: 17% (0% = New, 100% = full)
Optics: Celestron C8 "-Newtonian telescope, 20mm Plossl, 2x Barlow
Mount: CG5 (EQ5)
Camera: Sony CX130
Filter: no
Date: 11/09/2012
Location: Baia Mare, Romania
Processing: Registax, FastStone Image Viewer
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