Sunday, 14 November 2010
This video is very special to me because i had to be very patience to finish it.
You can find more about me on Astronomic Journey .
This video was made this year by me.I had some help from two colleagues, but most of the scenes in the video,and also edits are made me.It is a combination of locations : from Baia Mare to Mangalia,Romania.It is made with the same camera CX105 Sony that I filmed the Moon through my telescope .This is me, if you wonder who is the one who owns this blog and post photos taken by telescope.I will continue to add astropictures every day in it.It is like a journey to me.
About me
Astronomical Phylosophy
Astronomy Labels
Astronomy terms
Craters-Reinhold and Lansberg
DSLR Hyperion pictures
DSLR astronomy pictures
DSLR telescope pictures
Rima Ariadaeus
Rupes Altai
The colours of the Moon
Things about the Moon
Weird sightings
.... esti ciudat rau, oricum cred ca ar fi fost un clip reusit daca nu apareai in el, era mai interesant . cat despre astronomie, observ ca nu prea ai habar, inteleg ca esti la inceput ...insa nu asa se procedeaza, incearca mai intai sa faci ceva ce merita aratat publicului si dupa iti faci site , blog , si ce mai vrei tu . si mai intreaba si tu pe cineva care se pricepe la fizica ...partea de optica iti explice cum stau lucrurile
sa auzim de bine !
Eu vreau sa evoluez in astronomie in acelasi timp cu blogul.Nu sa astept ceva ce merita postat cum zici tu.Poate sunt unii care chiar nu au habar deloc ce pot face cu un telescop,si la mine vor gasi cate ceva ,nu fizica si calcule,ci practica. Ms pentru comment!
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