Sunday, 10 March 2013
Tycho's rays Piccolomini and Rupes Altai. Pictures by astronomical telescope
In this article, I"ll give an example of how important is the phase of the Moon and how different looks the lunar landscape at just two days apart. In the photos above, the Moon was illuminated by the Sun 51%, more light than two days ago, when it was lit 32%.
At 51%, are observed other features of the Moon, such as the albedo which is spread on the surface of different craters, and, (see a long band of albedo crossing the Rupes Altai reaching Mare Nectaris). This is a ray of the crater Tycho, which is just 1123 km from Piccolomini.
Moon age: 7 days
Stage: 51% (0% = New, 100% = Full)
Distance: 384.488 km
Optics: Celestron C8-Newtonian telescope, 20mm Plössl, 2x barlow
Mount: CG5 (EQ5)
Camera: Sony CX130
Filter: no
Date: 29/04/2012
Location: Baia Mare, Romania
Processing: video captures, FastStone Image Viewer
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Craters-Reinhold and Lansberg
DSLR Hyperion pictures
DSLR astronomy pictures
DSLR telescope pictures
Rima Ariadaeus
Rupes Altai
The colours of the Moon
Things about the Moon
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