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Saturday, 25 May 2013

East of the Moon Craters by telescope in December 2012. The beautiful Gutenberg and Goclenius craters

On the night of December 30, 2012I've filmed these east Moon craters, through a telescope which has a primary mirror of 8 inches (203 mm). The atmosphere was quite clean without being burdened by pollution of the city.

   To film or photograph the Moon, there is no need to travel out of town to get away from light pollution. In deep-sky astrophotography this is mandatory, because of using long exposures and you would not like to have in the bottom of the pictures (or in all image), yellow spots or other colors of city lights which reduces the clarity drastically.

In general, for filming / photographing the Moon, you need a clear atmosphere without turbulence from temperature of buildings (in winter), because the Moon is bright and big, on which you are not using long exposures.

When the Sun is at a low angle, the lunar landscape becomes more realistic in most cases regardless the observed region, because the shadows of the mountains, craters, their central peaks and other forms of relief, are projected around them, thereby obtaining more information quantity about the area. When the Sun shine from a high angle, all is bright, without shadows of the lunar relief to give more life to the landscape.

In these images, we see a number of craters in zig-zag (Magelhaens and Colombo), but which mostly keeps a direction from north to south, and Montes Pyrenaeuslocated on the left in the video. About this, I have spoken in another article, where I've posted photos taken from this video, but also in another article with images in the same area, taken in September 3, 2012, processed in the program for astrophotography, Registax.

Optics: CelestronC8 "-Newtonian telescope, plossl20mm, 2x Barlow
Mount: CG5 (EQ5) motorized
Device: Sony CX-130
Video mode: Full HD progressive 1920x1080
Filter: no
Date: 31/12/2012
Location: Baia Mare, Romania
Processing and editing: Sony Vegas 10

Picture taken in September 3, 2012


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